Monday, July 25, 2011

The prairie loves heat

As the temperatures and humidity soared this past week, I took refuge in the luxury of air conditioning. From air conditioned house to air conditioned car to air conditioned offices. I got there as fast as I could. 

I looked at my prairie from afar - safely in my air conditioned office - but never once ventured out to take a close look. From afar, I could see the prairie was awash in yellow and purple. When the heat finally broke - meaning it got below 95 - I took my camera and went for a stroll.

Apparently the prairie thrives in hot weather. Brilliant colors. New flowers. Reaching new heights. Cup plants towered over the prairie. Purple and Grey-headed coneflowers competed for the title of most beautiful.  Sawtooth sunflowers were striking in their pure yellowness. I identified my first Blue Vervain (though this picture is a Hoary Vervain).

This past winter, I marveled at how the prairie stood against winter winds and driving snow storms. I'm just as impressed that it thrives when the temperatures soar and the rains stop.  Fortunately the prairie has more fortitude than I.

You go, prairie!

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