Wednesday, October 20, 2010

High-tech - An ebook at last

The smallest things entertain me. But I suppose it can be argued publishing my book in a new format is not really small. So, come celebrate with me!  I just published my memoir: Growing Up Country: Memories of an Iowa Farm Girl as an ebook.

I lagged on this for many reasons, but not the least of them because there seems - to me at least - to be something slightly off about offering a book based on the nostalgia of the 1950s in the latest high-tech form.

But when I think about it, my dad adopted the latest technology available - converting our dairy from a stanchion barn to a parlor before anyone else in the county. 

Farmers today are at the cutting edge of technology with GPS systems in their tractors and combines. I'm told the equipment virtually operates itself in the field. Farmers could potentially nap as the combine works itself down the row, tells itself when to turn, ostensibly waking the operator when its bins are full. I have a hard time visualizing this!

So in offering my book to e-readers, I may simply be doing what agriculture has done all along - take advantage of the latest technology. 

Friday, October 15, 2010

Get on the blog wagon

Today is Blog Action Day 2010. Bloggers are encouraged to blog today for clean water. If you're a blogger and haven't joined in, Get on the Blog Wagon!  It's not too late.|Start Petition

Clean water for everyone

I take it for granted. Each morning before I walk, I turn on the kitchen tap and drink two tall glasses of water. I assume the water will flow. I assume it will be clean. We in the United States can make these assumptions. Around the world, people are not so lucky.

Access to clean water is a growing concern and my blog today is joining a worldwide blog effort - Blog Action Day - dedicated to raising awareness of the need to make good water available to everyone.

I urge you to take a few minutes today to check out charity:water  Charity:water is a non-profit organization bringing clean, safe water to developing nations.  100% of public donations directly fund water projects.  Amazingly, they report that just $20 can give one person clean water for 20 years.

If you want to help, here's an easy way.  Charity:water is the designated recipient of all proceeds from sales of Age of Conversation 3.  Those of us who were contributing writers of AOC3 are urging everyone to buy a copy - or several! - today to raise awareness and money to promote the cause of clean water for everyone. 

An average water project costs $5,000 and can serve 250 people with clean, safe water - so purchasing a copy of Age of Conversation 3 really can make a difference to someone's life.

This blog is blatant promotion on several levels: for Blog Action Day, for Age of Conversation 3, and for clean water. Most of all for clean water. Thanks for reading. Thanks even more for taking action for clean water.